Who We Are

We are a group of students and parents, joining together for the common purpose of learning within a Christian community. 
Mission Statement
Cultivating knowledge and Christian faith through educational excellence and transformational community.
Cooperative Agreement
Each family has an essential role to play in the co-op process. We acknowledge that the quality of the programs we provide for our children depends upon our collective level of commitment to and investment in the group. Accordingly, we recognize the need to place a high priority on fulfilling our individual commitments to the co-op. Find the full Cooperative Agreement here
Code of Conduct
We operate under a Code of Conduct to ensure that we are honoring God, others, and ourselves in everything we do. Find the full Code of Conduct here
Statement of Faith
We have a set of declarations which are a minimum statement of doctrines to which all In Grace participants should agree. Read the full Statement of Faith here